Saturday, September 12, 2009

video of the house - backyard

1 comment:

Kristie said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is SOOOOOOOOOO perfect!!!!! Thank you so much for leaving the message! We haven't checked your blog for while--you need to post more, ha ha ha! J/K! Anyway, this house is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!So charming and such a beautiful backyard!I love the landscaping and the little fountain! Who lives here? It seems they have really worked hard to keep it beautiful!!!!!! What are you going to do with all those bedrooms? it's a few years still until WE can visit, I hope they all won't be empty until then! ---Just a little teasing there!---

I SO love it, all the kids had so much fun looking at the pictures and the video! Jeremy olied your "little house", as he called the shed! What is that spiral-looking thing? Is that a tree or a bush or something? It is amazing-looking!

Congratulations a million times, I know Heavenly Father's hand must have been right there, because speaking as someone who has gone through that process a time or two---ACK---it's amazing it all fell into place so well!!!!!! Blessings!!!! I am so thankful for that!!!! I CAN'T WAIT to see how you do make it your own!!!! SO much fun!!!! I wish I was there to help you paint---if you are planning to, although I really did like all the colors, but I know your colors are a bit different from that. Wish I was there to help with new window treatments too, if you wanted them! *sigh* But seriously, you guys are going to have a blast!!!!!! Do I hear "woodshop" planning in Kev's head for that little shed???? Ha ha ha!!!!! This is the coolest ever!!!!! Love you guys! jill, thanks a million for B's letter, you made her day times a million!