Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I was Mrs. Smarty Pants for Halloween this year and had a grand time of it.

Not only did I get a lot of great chuckles when people finally figured out what I was (lots of Smarties taped on pants - Smarties + pants - get it?) but because I was "shedding" all day, I got to pass out Smarties to help people "get smart."

It was a hoot. Mostly my students thought I was nuts but I had a fabulous time!


Kristie said...

HA!!!!!! This is SOOOOOOO great!!! I'm so glad that you got a picture! You look so cute!! What a super idea for Halloween!! Loved your play list!!!! FUN FUN FUN!!!!! I love You!

The Helvig Familiy said...

Wow! This is the greatest costume ever! I love it....we miss you guys. Lets do something soon.